Your Town Today Spotlights Award Winning Short Film

The community-focused program “Your Town Today” on WCG Channel 12 shines the spotlight on a locally based film company known as Internet Astronauts.


Known more for producing short films as well as a low-budget series available on YouTube called The Snake Pit (a parody of Dragons Den), Internet Astronauts recently won an award at the 48 Hour Film Festival in Gimli, MB. for their work on "My Happiest Moments."



The group also recently released its latest movie “Zombie Rage” which currently has an 8 out of 10 rating on IMDb.



Internet Astronauts also produce video for small to large businesses and organizations to utilize for marketing purposes. Get more info on the Internet Astronauts here


YTT host Frank McGwire recently caught up with Mark Kiazyk (Internet Astronaut’s Westman representative) to discuss the award as well as Zombie Rage and some upcoming projects as the Internet Astronauts continue to strive toward film production that’s out of this world!


You can view the interview on Westman Zone’s YouTube channel via the link below.

Westman Zone Entertainment File