Westman and Area Traditional Christmas Dinner Returns to the Keystone Centre

Volunteers Still Needed for Westman and Area Traditional Christmas Dinner


Now that most of the food and supplies have come in, the WATCD committee is still in need of volunteers to help prepare everything for the big event this Sunday, December 25th. Committee Chair Gladden Smith says, we're hoping for upwards of 100 people to show up and help out. Even if you can only donate an hour of your time, everything helps."


Those who can help out are asked to meet at the MNP Hall in the Keystone Centre at noon on Friday, December 23rd. We will need folks to help with making the stuffing, peeling potatoes, cutting ham, and wrapping over 400 presents for Santa to hand out to kids who will be attending the Christmas Dinner," Smith said. Please call 204-728-7987 to sign up. Rides will be provided for those who need transportation.


During the last live version of the WATCD 3500 meals were served. This year we’re anticipating 4000 meals. The Christmas Dinner would not be possible without the over 400 volunteers and the many sponsors that have come on board, so thanks again goes out to everyone who has stepped up to help out. It’s because of your consideration, time, and efforts that this wonderful event can happen. We all help out with it because we believe no one should be alone at Christmas.


"There will be an entertainment stage with sound and lighting provided by Howling The Night Away Productions and we already have a few performers signed up to entertain throughout the afternoon," said Smith. "We've got room for a few more volunteers to perform on the Entertainment Stage so if you or anybody you know would like to get up and sing some songs or even do some comedy or magic please call the number provided (204-728-7987) we'd love to have you be involved with the event," said Smith. "You've got to see this set up, Dean from Howling has gone above and beyond our expecatations!"  

For more info visit www.traditionalchristmasdinner.ca






Route 1 (Blue) will start at 11:00 a.m. This route will return back to the Keystone on the half hour.

Route 2 (Green) will start at 11:30 a.m. This route will return to the Keystone on the hour.

LAST RUN will depart from the Keystone at 6:00 p.m. (Route 1-Blue) and 6:30 p.m. (Route 2-Green).

If you have any questions please call 204.728.7987.

Thank you!



WATCD Committee is Thankful for Continued Suppport from the Community


For nearly 40 years it has become something that a growing number of people in our community look forward to each Christmas. It’s something that not only serves as an opportunity for those looking to give back to their community – it will also guarantee you receive the Christmas Spirit when you give your time and or donations. The look on the faces of those you serve a meal, or deliver a meal to, or the look on the child’s face who receives a toy – a kid who may otherwise go without on Christmas. That feeling you get inside when you see their joy, that’s something you can’t put a price tag on. It’s invaluable and it’s so memorable and it’s a big part of the reason I’m involved with The Westman and Area Traditional Christmas Dinner once again but in a bigger role as Media Relations Coordinator.


When Gladden Smith and the committee asked me to come on board and help again this year I jumped at the opportunity. The Westman and Area Traditional Christmas Dinner is an event I’ve been involved with for several years in many different roles. From delivering meals, serving meals, coordinating entertainment, promoting the event on the radio or in the newspaper, or serving as Entertainment Coordinator. They even delegated me to say grace before the meal one year (2001).


This year as Media Relations Coordinator part of my duties included organizing a volunteer awareness campaign. We held that event today at the upper concourse of the Keystone Centre right in front of the MNP Hall where the 2022 WATCD will take place. The live version of the dinner has been on hold for a couple of years due to COVID regulations so it’s a breath of fresh air to have it back to the good old way it was right from day one. To have people stepping up and donating their time and efforts to help with this great long-standing tradition. Two years prior to COVID the dinner was held at the Victoria Inn and before that, it was held at the Keystone Centre for 21 years. I think I speak for all of us involved when I say, “Having the Westman and Area Traditional Christmas Dinner back at the Keystone Centre is like coming home!" We are very grateful that the Keystone Centre has opened its doors for us to have the event here at such an amazing facility.


Long-Standing Event Continues With Help From Many Sponsors and Volunteers Within the Community


A huge thank you goes out to Keystone Centre management and a tip of the hat goes out to Bruce Luebke President of the Keystone Centre Board & Connie Lawrence Assistant GM of the Keystone Centre who joined in on the volunteer awareness kick-off today.


Sunrise Credit Union is our major sponsor, and it goes without saying but I’m going to say it anyway… because if there ever was a good time and place to say it – THIS IS IT! But in all seriousness, if we didn’t have sponsors like Sunrise Credit Union this thing wouldn’t be possible. Special thanks to Sunrise Credit Union President & CEO Tim Klassen who took the time out of his busy day to join in the proceedings today. Tim spoke on behalf of all Westman Area Credit Unions including representatives from Fusion (Trent Croff) and Westoba Credit Union (Alexa Dubois) who were also in attendance.


Also major thanks to the team at Murray Chev Cadillac and Sales Manager Andrew Gray for taking time out of his day to join us. Speaking of Murray’s, they are hosting the big fundraiser breakfast this Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Cost for your breakfast is a cash donation or an unwrapped toy. The breakfast is hosted by Alison’s Kitchen, located in the upper level of Murrays (1500 Richmond Avenue) and the major sponsor is Sunrise Credit Union. So please tell your family friends, neighbours, co-workers, teammates and so on. Make sure to help us spread the good word.


While you’re at the breakfast this Saturday be sure to pick up a ticket for your chance to win a custom-made Harley Davidson and / or cash prizes of $1000.00 (courtesy of Fountain Tire and Morning Star Metal) and $500.00 (courtesy of The Law Family). Shout out to Brent Law Owner from Iron Craft – he got involved with the Traditional Christmas Dinner many years ago and as every year passes his efforts increase.


Big thanks go out to Dan Lange Store Manager at Richmond Food Store here in Brandon (Richmond Ave. CO-OP). The custom-made Harley was on display there last week during live broadcasts hosted by on-air personalities from 96.1 Bounce FM and Pure Country 101.1 FM.


Again, to everyone who took the time to attend the kick-off and say a few words, THANK YOU! It’s because of kind people such as yourselves we can spread awareness and continue this long-standing tradition.


Pictured L - R: Sergeant Kirby Sararas (Public Information Officer Brandon Police Services), Brent Law Owner of Iron Craft Inc, Donna Smith (Promotions Director Bounce FM), Ty Williams (On Air Personality Pure Country 101.1 FM), Dan Lange Store Manager at Richmond Food Store, Alexa Dubois (Westoba Credit Union), Andrew Gray (Sales Manager Murray Chev Cadillac), Tim Klassen (President & CEO Sunrise Credit Union), Frank McGwire (Media Relations Coordinator WATCD), Connie Lawrence (Assistant GM Keystone Centre), Trent Croff (Fusion Credit Union), Bruce Luebke (President of the Keystone Centre Board), and Gladden Smith (President WATCD Board of Directors). 


Here is a partial list of what goes into the meal to be served up Christmas day:


1500 lbs Turkey

1400 lbs potatoes

80 gallons gravy

18 cases veggies

60 trays of stuffing

20 cases of cranberry sauce

Desserts Desserts Desserts and more desserts!


Along with the all the food we will need volunteers to prepare it. We’re looking for about 100 volunteers on December 23rd at 12:00 pm in the MNP Hall We will be making the stuffing, peeling potatoes, cutting ham, and wrapping over 400 presents. Please call 204-728-7987 to sign up.


During the last live version of the WATCD 3500 meals were served. This year we’re anticipating 4000 meals. The Christmas Dinner would not be possible without the over 400 volunteers and the many sponsors that have come on board, so thanks again goes out to everyone who has stepped up to help out. It’s because of your consideration, time, and efforts that this wonderful event can happen. We all help out with it because we believe no one should be alone at Christmas.

For more info visit www.traditionalchristmasdinner.ca

Westman Zone News