Trans Canada at Headingley To Receive Over 33 Million Dollars in Upgrades






The section of the Trans-Canada Highway through the Rural Municipality (RM) of Headingley will receive a number of upgrades over the next two years so traffic can move more safely and efficiently, Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Doyle Piwniuk announced today.


“The Trans-Canada Highway is a vital artery in our province. This major investment will improve the infrastructure on a major economic corridor that helps connect Manitoba to the rest of the country,” said Piwniuk. “In addition to the commercial benefits, the upgrades will ensure Manitobans have access to safe, reliable infrastructure for many generations to come.”


Projects that are in planning or already underway in the RM of Headingley area include:


  • Surface reconstruction on the Trans-Canada Highway that will provide intersection improvements with dedicated left turn lanes and a raised median to enhance mobility and increase motorist safety. The project is an estimated $15-million investment and is expected to begin this summer.
  • Intersection improvements at the John Blumberg-Coverall and Husky station service road and the Trans-Canada Highway, including a new service road. The project is an estimated investment of over $1.9 million and is expected to begin this summer.
  • Intersection improvements at Camp Manitou Road and the Trans-Canada Highway, including a new service road. The project is an estimated investment of over $9.5 million and is currently in the design phase, which includes engagement with the community and interested parties.
  • A new, larger weigh scale facility to be built west of the existing building, featuring longer lanes, additional queue space, more parking, upgraded lighting and improved signage. The project is an estimated $7-million investment and is currently in the design phase.


The upgrades support the 2023 Multi-year Infrastructure Investment Strategy, which outlines over $4.1 billion in strategic investment in roads, highways, bridges, airports and flood protection over the next five years, and confirm the Manitoba government’s commitment to building the economy and investing in the future, the minister noted.


For more information on the multi-year strategy, visit

Province of Manitoba News Release