Articles in Casting Calls, New Business Feature, Westman Zone Events, Provincial Exhibition, Sioux Valley News, Brandon and Area Car Enthusiasts and Submitted
BRANDON, MB: UJU Videos (y-OO h-OO, sounds like “you who”) is excited to announce the
production of a new series of games and activities in Brandon beginning in August 2022. The
search is on for talent in Westman between the ages of 4 & 18.... Read full article
Collector Car Appreciation Day is fast approaching, it’s on Sunday, July 17, 2022, at the Discovery Centre. The letter below explains what the day means to the automotive hobbyist and why it is important to belong to some sort of organization... Read full article
Sioux Valley Petro Canada took the Associate of the year award !! We are just so proud and honoured to receive the top award. We must thank the most important people of all and that is our staff. They are our backbone and without them, this wouldn’t ... Read full article
Welcome to the first edition of this great new feature designed to help provide more exposure for new businesses in Manitoba. If you or anyone you know has a business that would like to be featured in Westman Zone email ... Read full article
Fantastic food, family fun, entertainment, and the thrill of the midway! The Manitoba Summer Fair is how we’ve been kicking off summer in Manitoba for over 135 years!... Read full article