The United States is considering a shift to permanent daylight saving time. Other Canadian jurisdictions are also proactively preparing to make the shift if the United States adopts year-round observance of daylight saving time.... Read full article
Testing of all components is an important and necessary part of any public alerting system. It provides an opportunity to validate and improve the end-to-end performance and reliability of the system to ensure it operates as it is intended ... Read full article
Source: Province of Manitoba News release
Distributed over three years, up to $100 million in funding will support three programs:
Large Capital Projects
Small Capital Project and Special Initiatives
Community Celebrations... Read full article
Samaritan House provides emergency shelter services for people experiencing homelessness in Brandon and provides bedding, food and toiletries. The new funding will enable Samaritan House to create a warming space where individuals can stay when ... Read full article
The Manitoba Government announced that they are investing $8.9 million to construct a modern detention facility in Brandon. They are also providing more than $150,000 to support Samaritan House’s Safe and Warm Shelter.... Read full article
The Manitoba government is proposing changes that would include:
defining teacher professional misconduct that needs to be reported to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Learning;
exploring measures to improve information and public ... Read full article
Whether it's buying groceries or paying the bills, the new Family Affordability Package will provide benefits to help ease the burden of rising costs and high inflation.... Read full article
The Manitoba government has introduced legislation that would create a new offence under the Highway Traffic Act to prohibit driving on closed roads, Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Doyle Piwniuk announced today.... Read full article
Concerns about increasing violent crime, particularly those committed with knives and illegal guns, will be a priority for the Manitoba government at a meeting between federal, provincial and territorial justice ministers held in Dartmouth, Nova Scot... Read full article
Manitoba producers will receive higher Excess Moisture Insurance (EMI) coverage levels as part of the Agri Insurance program for the 2023 crop year.... Read full article
A new clinic focused on providing women’s health resources and family-wide mental health services will open its doors and welcome new clients on November 1st, 2022. Their Brandon clinic address is Unit 2-1711 Kirkcaldy Drive. The vision for the clini... Read full article