WZ: Where are the Internet Astronauts based?
JL: We are based out of Winnipeg, Manitoba - in the Milky Way galaxy.
How many people work for the company?
We have 8 core Net Nauts but there are others that help out on occasion.
How long have the Internet Astronauts been producing films?
We posted our first YouTube video in 2013. It’s been a turbulent time of filmmaking based on who was available at the time. So we haven’t been turning out movies non-stop since then. I’d say we really got into a good rhythm of producing projects consistently one after the other about 5 years ago, and we were really starting to snowball with this up until COVID-19 happened. Unfortunately, that whole period of time made us lose a lot of momentum.
What is your niche genre and target market of viewers?
We cover a lot of different genres and try not to get tied down to anyone in particular because it’s always a good thing to try new things and challenge yourself creatively. So far we’ve covered absurdist comedy, sci-fi, reality TV, horror, and superheroes. Our target market is the type of people who enjoy watching the Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, or Rick and Morty. It can be any age, just so long as they have an open mind and a sense of humor.
How many films have you produced?
We’ve produced more videos than we’ve produced films. As far as total video productions go we are over 60, but that includes short skits (like SNL), trailers, web series, and short films. We haven’t produced a feature-length film yet, though we are in the process of planning a few of them, and this summer we were part of a collaboration that is in a feature film called Zombie Rage, which was produced by Livid Media (our friends in California).
Are they mainly available on YouTube or is there another platform with which to view your creations?
To date we are primarily available on YouTube, Roku (B-Movie TV), as well as our official website (theinternetastronauts.com). However, we are in the process of adding our library to Rumble and also submitting everything to a company that will get us on various streaming channels.
What locations do you regularly shoot in?
If we’re not shooting on a green screen then we are typically shooting somewhere in Winnipeg, or a surrounding area. For example, this summer we did a very unique wedding video for someone in Gimli, and last winter we shot a short horror film (Frigid Inferno) in Winnipeg Beach, and we also shot a teaser trailer for an upcoming project out near Grand Beach.
You recently won a best editing award at a film festival. What was the name of the film and which awards festival?
The name of the film was “My Happiest Moments” and it was for the 48-hour Film Fest. The theme for everyone to incorporate into their film was transformation, so we made a short film about a lonely man who fantasizes about killing people who annoy him, and so he inevitably transitions into a psychopathic serial killer. The title we came up with is meant to disarm the audience so they might expect a happy go lucky film only to get the rug pulled right under them after the first sixty seconds. But the title also stays true to the nature of the film’s concept: because it is this man’s happiest moments when he is a cold blooded killer.
Mark Kiazyk (Left) the main character in "My Happiest Moments" and Johnny Lektrik of Internet Astronauts accepted their award at 48-Film Festival in Gimli, MB. (Photo submitted)
How many people were involved with that film and where can people view it?
There were at least ten people involved in the making of this film. This includes a friend of mine who allowed us to film all day in her house, as well as the owners of the dog (Blue) that was in the film. People can currently view it on our Youtube channel or our official website.
Mark Kiazyk plays a happy-go-lucky loner who has an alter-ego with a very dark side. (Photo still from My Happiest Moments). YouTube video link available below.
Are there any other productions currently in the works?
Yes! Too many to count, and if we won the lottery tomorrow, or secured some major donor, we would be busy til the day we die.
What do the Internet Astronauts have on the horizon for the remainder of 2023 and into 2024?
We are currently developing a short horror comedy called “Zombie Kid” which will start production in September with the goal of being premiered before Halloween, and throughout the winter we are planning to shoot a pilot for a series called “Modern Fairy Tales” and we are also planning to shoot two feature films next year called “Skull Lake” and “Killer Geese from Canada.”