The east leg of Pacific Avenue including the under-bridge loop will reopen to traffic with the west leg of Pacific Avenue closed to accommodate construction.... Read full article
Crop reports are released on a weekly basis every growing season and provide ongoing updates on Manitoba growing conditions with a regional focus. ... Read full article
Test alerts also educate the public on what an emergency alert will look and sound like in the event of a life-threatening situation.... Read full article
Projects that are in planning or already underway in the RM of Headingley area include surface reconstruction, intersection improvements, and a new weigh scale. ... Read full article
Last year, 21 Manitobans lost their lives as a result of work-related incidents and occupational diseases, and many more were hurt seriously enough to cause permanent injury or require time away from their jobs.... Read full article
This year’s Fair, which is a presentation of Heritage Co-op, will be held from Wednesday, June 7th to Sunday, June 11th and the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba has announced that the Pay One Price (POP) will go on sale...... Read full article
Under the Canada-Manitoba Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement 2021-2026, facilities will receive $52.8 million, through their existing operating grants that support early learning and child-care sector... Read full article
Run-off from the latest precipitation is not expected to start until next week, as temperatures in most areas will remain around the freezing point until early- to mid-next week.... Read full article
PrairieCon is a must-attend event for gaming enthusiasts. The tabletop gaming convention offers a unique opportunity to meet and socialize with fellow gamers, as well as try out new games and participate in tournaments.... Read full article