The Park Community Centre Board of Directors invites you to a public meeting Re: The fate of our community centre and the fate of our neighbourhood. Tuesday, February 28 from 6:30 pm - 9 pm. at Park Community Hal located at 1428 Louise Avenue.
We need your voice and support at this public meeing to stop city hall from demolishing Park Community Centre. Confronted by duplicity from the recreation department, hamstrung at every turn, refused the use of our charitable tax status, repeatedly mislead, and battling organized political opposition from at least one conflicted city councilor, the City of Brandon is now on the cusp of forever losing vital cornerstone of our struggling core area community.
We have the solutions, ability, and the funding necessary to rebuild Park Community Centre; we need city hall to help! Trust, honesty, transparency, and community is needed. Please attend. It matters!
Thank you very much - Board of Directors, Park Community Centre