Minimum Wage On The Way Up This Fall


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Province Implementing Phased-In Approach to Limit Impacts to Small Businesses While Supporting Workers with Significant Wage Increases: Premier


The Manitoba government is announcing its plan to increase the minimum wage to $15 by October 2023, Premier Heather Stefanson announced today, noting government will soon begin consultations with small businesses on the effects of this change.

“Our government recognizes the financial challenges many Manitobans are facing as a result of global inflationary pressures,” said Stefanson. “Today’s announcement delivers on our commitment to making life more affordable for all Manitobans. This phased-in approach will ensure small businesses remain strong and continue to grow while helping workers and their families get ahead by earning bigger paycheques. Our balanced approach to increasing the minimum wage will help workers make ends meet while also recognizing the concerns of small businesses who are struggling during this difficult time.”

Earlier this spring, in recognition of exceptionally high inflation, the Manitoba government passed amendments to the Employment Standards Code to increase the minimum wage above the rate of inflation, the premier noted.

Following consultations with the labour and business communities, the provincial hourly minimum wage will increase to $13.50 from $11.95 on Oct. 1, 2022. Additionally, the province intends a further increase of 65 cents on April 1, 2023, that will raise the minimum wage to $14.15 per hour. With the expected consumer price index increase for 2022, the next indexed adjustment will bring Manitoba’s minimum wage to around $15 for Oct. 1, 2023, the premier added.

“This wage increase will provide much-needed support to hard-working Manitobans who have been burdened by soaring cost-of-living increases,” said Labour, Consumer Protection and Government Services Minister Reg Helwer. “Manitobans have worked tirelessly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are committed to relieving some of the financial strain.”

However, an additional increase to the minimum wage could create pressure on Manitoba’s small businesses. To help reduce this risk, the Manitoba government will be consulting with the industry on support programs to help adjust to higher payroll costs.

“Manitoba small businesses are the backbone of our economy and we are committed to helping them grow and thrive,” said Economic Development, Investment and Trade Minister Cliff Cullen. “As we continue to grow our economy, we want to attract more workers and high-quality investments to our province. We are committed to working with our business community to address the impacts of this wage increase and find workable solutions together.”

Information on Manitoba’s minimum wage and other employment standards is available at

Province of Manitoba News Release