If you were to categorize them, they would fit in nicely with the Renegade Folk section. However, there is no such section in any music store which makes it even better. Who needs labels when your music is this easily enjoyable?!... Read full article
Brandon Riverbank Inc. would like to officially announce the opening of its Assiniboine Canoe/Kayak Cove. Taking advantage of a created river inlet south of the centre, a paddling cove/docking station at the Brandon Riverbank has been developed that ... Read full article
The wait is over for canoe and kayak enthusiasts in Westman who want a new facility to utilize. The long-awaited Kayak/Canoe launch planned for the Riverbank Discovery Centre in Brandon is ready to use as of today!... Read full article
On July 1, #rcmpmb seized cocaine & cash during a traffic stop on 1st St SE in Dauphin.
Further investigation led to a search of a residence on 4th St SE where more drugs, cash & a loaded rifle were seized.... Read full article
Fantastic food, family fun, entertainment, and the thrill of the midway! The Manitoba Summer Fair is how we’ve been kicking off summer in Manitoba for over 135 years!... Read full article
Significant amounts of rain are expected in south western and south eastern Manitoba this weekend. Weather analysts are tracking yet another system producing further amounts of rain which is expected to move into Manitoba next weekend. ... Read full article
More flooding issues were reported at Riverbank Discovery Centre resulting in the temporary closure of the Red Willow Pedestrian Trail.... Read full article