Articles in Manitoba RCMP Media Release, Westman Zone Entertainment File, Sunrise Credit Union, Brandon Chrysler Dodge, Assiniboine Community College, Westman Zone Weather, Riverbank Discovery Centre, City of Brandon Ukrainian Flag Raising Ceremony and Happenings in Brandon's Music Scene
My photography passion kind of came on unexpectedly ……when I’d have spare time I found such solitude in nature. Growing up in the country, I had a deep appreciation for it. It was a place where I’d go to escape from some of the stress life can...... Read full article
If you were to categorize them, they would fit in nicely with the Renegade Folk section. However, there is no such section in any music store which makes it even better. Who needs labels when your music is this easily enjoyable?!... Read full article
Manitoba RCMP News Release
on September 12, 2022
Manitoba RCMP News Release
on September 12, 2022
On September 12, 2022, at 9:21 am, Boissevain RCMP received a report that two children had not been returned to their mother after they had spent time with their father.... Read full article
Brandon Riverbank Inc. would like to officially announce the opening of its Assiniboine Canoe/Kayak Cove. Taking advantage of a created river inlet south of the centre, a paddling cove/docking station at the Brandon Riverbank has been developed that ... Read full article
The wait is over for canoe and kayak enthusiasts in Westman who want a new facility to utilize. The long-awaited Kayak/Canoe launch planned for the Riverbank Discovery Centre in Brandon is ready to use as of today!... Read full article
Multi-Platinum, award-winning artist Johnny Reid has had a busy year with more than 100 shows to his credit during his 2022 Canadian tour, Love Someone: An Intimate Evening with Johnny Reid. 100+ shows and counting make it one of the longest-running ... Read full article
Throughout the course of the day, over 200 people made their donations as they made their way through the gates to enjoy a beautiful Saturday and enjoy live music entertainment provided by a varied lineup of local performers.... Read full article
On Thursday, May 26, Manitoba RCMP officers conducted a traffic stop on Highway 10 in the RM of Dauphin. During the stop, a firearm and meth were seized. ... Read full article
At 8:15 am on May 19, 2022, the Manitoba RCMP received an urgent call from a motorist requesting assistance as he was stranded in his vehicle on Provincial Road 200 just north of St. Adolphe in the RM of Ritchot.... Read full article