Break Enter and Theft
On December 25th, 2022, police located an intoxicated Brandon man inside a business in the 1500 block of 18th Street after it had closed for Christmas.
The man was taken into custody and charged with Break Enter and Theft. Once sober, the man was issued an Undertaking and will appear in Brandon Court on March 6th, 2023.
Domestic Assault / Mischief Under $ 5000.00
On December 25th, 2022, police responded to a domestic-related complaint in a residence in the 1200 block of 10th Street. A 21-year-old woman from Brandon, as well as a 30-year-old man also from Brandon, were arrested for assaulting each other as well as for damaging property at that location. Both will appear in Brandon Court on 2023-02-23.
Breach of Release Order
At 0210am on December 25th, police were in the process of conducting a vehicle stop when the driver exited the vehicle and walked into a house on Willowdale Drive. The 28-year-old Brandon man was arrested without incident and charged with breaching the conditions of his Release Order. The man was lodged at BPS and will appear in Remand in the morning.