Brandon Joins Fourth National Coordinated Point-in-Time Homelessness Count




This fall, Brandon will take part in a coordinated national effort to measure homelessness by gathering data that will also enable local agencies and government to refine their approaches to funding programs and services devoted to unhoused citizens.


The Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation (BNRC) has led Brandon’s participation in the nationally coordinated Point-in-Time Homeless Count (PiT Count) since its inception in 2016. It’s right here in Brandon that BNRC staff, along with Brandon University researchers, helped develop the original survey questions to increase the depth of information collected during the count.


On October 17, BNRC will lead its fourth count – Everyone Counts 2024 – coordinating with shelters, other service providers, as well as volunteers from the community, over a period of 24 hours. Our PiT Count will provide a snapshot of homelessness, indicating the minimum number of people experiencing homelessness in our community and helping to improve our understanding of the needs and circumstances of those affected. The survey will provide us with key data on gender, age, ethnicity, veteran status and more. With solid data, funding is more accessible. Counts also allow us to measure progress towards our ultimate goal: ending homelessness in Brandon.


Results from the PiT Count will be made publicly available.


The Brandon PiT Count has received support from Reaching Home, Government of Canada’s Homelessness Strategy (Homelessness, Infrastructure and Communities Canada). Many communities across the country participate and this coordinated effort helps us to create a picture of homelessness in Canada. Quotes “An effort of this kind largely depends on volunteers, in this case approximately 70 volunteers from the social and health sectors, as well as from the wider public. I’ll soon be launching a social media campaign seeking the public’s participation. Those who immediately feel the call to register as a volunteer can go directly to the BNRC webpage, where we have a dedicated link. We all have a part to play when it comes to basic human rights for all.” Michele LeTourneau, PiT Count Coordinator, Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation


“On behalf of Brandon City Council, I am very pleased that the Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation is once again leading Brandon’s participation in the annual Point-in-Time Count. This initiative is a crucial step in addressing homelessness in our community. Homelessness is a growing issue, and Brandon, along with other regional urban areas, is significantly affected. This initiative is not just about numbers; it’s about our neighbors, friends, and family members who need our support. Brandon City Council is committed to working with all levels of government, including Indigenous communities, social and health sectors, and private businesses, to ensure that everyone in our community has a safe and stable place to call home.” Jeff Fawcett, Mayor, City of Brandon


“As the Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation embarks on its strategic planning journey, we are strengthening our mandate around advocating for clients experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The Point-in-Time (PiT) Count provides pertinent information about the lay of the land. We are incredibly thrilled to partner with Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada, formerly Infrastructure Canada, in administering Reaching Home funds and we are also blessed to be a part of a collaborative community with partners having all hands on deck for a successful PiT Count. As an organization, a community and, by extension, a city, we will use this information to continue being a voice for the vulnerable population of Brandon. We strive to continue negotiating funding and programming into our community to empower and uplift our residents. As we all know, “Everyone Counts,” and data amplifies our voice and our asks.” Rushana Newman, Executive Director, Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation


“The PiT Count is an important tool for service providers like the Safe and Warm Shelter to hear what the needs of the vulnerable community members are. This information allows us to continue to advocate for appropriate supports and to provide much needed resources.” Heather Bolech, Safe and Warm Shelter Manager, Samaritan House Ministries 440 Rosser Avenue. Brandon, MB 


“The PiT Count is a very important tool to assist and inform funders on where the vulnerable population stay and where housing is needed. It also helps other organizations and funders to see where the real needs are and where we are lacking. The Pit Count also gives the unhoused people a place to voice their opinions and thoughts.” Florence Halcrow, Ask Auntie and Blue Door Coordinator, Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation


“The PiT Count is an opportunity to hear directly from our unhoused neighbours, to understand what resources are needed and what barriers to housing need to be addressed. The information collected is valuable and will be used along with the data from the Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS) database for community planning and advocacy.” Rebecca Anhalt, Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS) Coordinator, Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation


Media Participation Ensuring the safety and anonymity of participants is our utmost priority. Media will not be invited to accompany PiT Count volunteers. The Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation, as a non-profit organization, strives through advocacy, capacity building, provision of knowledge and sustainable funding from various sources to challenge and empower all citizens of the neighbourhood. and


For more information: Everyone Counts 2020-2022 – Results from the Third Nationally Coordinated Point-in-Time Counts of Homelessness in Canada Past Brandon PiT Count reports Everyone Counts: Coordinated Point-in-Time Counts in Canada Homelessness Learning Hub: Point-in-Time Counts The Canadian Definition of Homelessness Contact information: Michele LeTourneau, PiT Count Coordinator 204-730-9421 -

