My photography passion kind of came on unexpectedly ……when I’d have spare time I found such solitude in nature. Growing up in the country, I had a deep appreciation for it. It was a place where I’d go to escape from some of the stress life can...... Read full article
If you were to categorize them, they would fit in nicely with the Renegade Folk section. However, there is no such section in any music store which makes it even better. Who needs labels when your music is this easily enjoyable?!... Read full article
The Brandon & District United Way’s Tools for School program is underway. Tools for School is intended to make sure all students receive the educational supplies they need for success in their classroom.... Read full article
Kardash (originally from Brandon, Manitoba) said “The house is gone, completely gutted. So that means the business is gone too. I have nothing left. Kierra luckily made it out of the house, but Martini didn't."... Read full article
Sioux Valley Petro Canada took the Associate of the year award !! We are just so proud and honoured to receive the top award. We must thank the most important people of all and that is our staff. They are our backbone and without them, this wouldn’t ... Read full article
The 44-year-old male took a debit card from a family member who had been admitted to the hospital. Over several weeks, he made numerous ATM withdrawals totalling over $8000 before other family noticed and took the card away.... Read full article
Police located a 28-year-old male responsible for the theft of 2 tip jars and a broken window. The male resisted arrest, however, was taken into custody and held ... Read full article
Brandon Police Service Media Release
on May 13, 2022
Brandon Police Service Media Release
on May 13, 2022