Phase 1 of the project kicked off in January 2023 and rough grading of the site is underway. Design for Phase 2 has been ongoing simultaneously, with the tender anticipated to be released by July 2023. ... Read full article
The Outdoor Field Sports Complex is jointly funded from all three levels of government. Ground breaking ceremony has been moved to inside Brandon's City Hall.... Read full article
Periodic data collection, including display and discrete radar detection, will be administered at various locations in different seasons and road conditions to determine how effective speed limit reduction is on its own and under what conditions... Read full article
Crop reports are released on a weekly basis every growing season and provide ongoing updates on Manitoba growing conditions with a regional focus. ... Read full article
Test alerts also educate the public on what an emergency alert will look and sound like in the event of a life-threatening situation.... Read full article
The City of Brandon’s Solid Waste Section has several events planned for this week to promote the benefits of using the compost created from the City’s Green Cart Program, including: ... Read full article
Projects that are in planning or already underway in the RM of Headingley area include surface reconstruction, intersection improvements, and a new weigh scale. ... Read full article